Friday, May 29, 2020
Details of Mode of Essay Writing
Details of Mode of Essay Writing The mathematics phobia was addressed in an extremely impressive way by the teachers and the experts who are an integral portion of the team of the house tutors. You've been using writing modes through the majority of your school life. There are a number of ways to define a term. You ought to understand the term before you're able to define it for others. Provide enough information so that your students are in a position to do their very best writing. On the other hand, they find different difficulties with regard to communication essay writing. In reality, they consider the virtual classrooms communities where learning occurs. Some students become scared to begin writing. Mode of Essay Writing - Overview After you have updated your on-line profile, all you need to do is monitor regularly for any feedback from employers. Choose resources based on the subject you would like to write about. There are a number of internet courses conducted by the Statistics Homework help that help them to get a fast summary of the concepts and also enables to grasp the fundamental comprehension of the subject. The idea of duty seems to be a universal keystone in legal systems across the world. By way of example, lets assume the purpose of your essay is to compose an overview. The principal challenge in writing an appropriate letter is that on e needs to deal with their issues or convey your data in a few words. The significance of the human resource manager cannot be understated in the current scenario. The significance of an introduction, in addition to the human body and conclusion are all essential areas of an essay. Mode of Essay Writing - Overview An analysis is when you examine something by viewing its parts, including when you consider the plot, setting, themes and characters in a brief story. A descriptive piece doesn't necessarily have to be lengthy. Writing an essay demands various primary skills which are essential for the writing procedure to go on in a proficient method. A descriptive essay enables readers to experience a scenario, thing or person with all their senses. There are a few strict rules on the diction which you use. While it might be lengthy, there's a bit of accuracy that you could reserve on your part. On occasion a change of environment is only the kickstart you will need to locate your writing groove. Therefore, you must be certain that the steps make sense that you can follow without repeating or skipping any of the steps. Essay writing to a lot of people is a tough notion to grasp. Professional writers may use the complete spectrum of modes in one essay or book. Profile essays need you to receive all the appropriate details of your subject, and to only present ideas that may be supported by an established fact. It's vital that you learn early on how best to compose effective essays that communicate clearly and accomplish certain objectives. Books, magazines, and journals are a couple of examples you may utilize. It is suggested to look for the one which has a very good reputation and offers high-quality papers at inexpensive prices. If you to take completely free essay on-line program! Mode of Essay Writing Features The range of paragraphs will depend on the number of points you must make or topics you will need to cover. Each paragraph ought to be restricted to the discussion of one general idea. Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence in which you state your case or objective. The very first paragraph of the human body should put forth your strongest argument to back up your thesis. 1 characteristic of the markers in oxford style papers is they can be specific based on each individual chapter readily available in the paper or they may be consecutively used throughout the whole paper. The introduction is the initial paragraph of the essay. Writing styles determine the kind of format, referencing and citations that could be applicable in any kind of writing.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Social Changes Of The Lowell Mills System - 1454 Words
As the Industrial Revolution spread across the western world, America found itself amidst the innovations the revolution brought. One of these social changes was the increase of women in the workforce. This led to the positive experience of The Lowell Mills system that enabled more opportunities for women to become more independent by giving them more control in their lives, more chances to use their intellect, and an overall different change of the life path a woman can take. Due to the demand of labor occurring in America, industries were at a deficit in workers. This led for young women to be hired to fill the gaps of labor of the deficit. This change went against society’s perception of a woman’s role. Before industries allowed women†¦show more content†¦Working women also showed that they were not less lady-like, because in the mills they were able to live in decent conditions. According to Reverend Henry A. Mills the boardinghouses were to be kept â€Å"both inside and out†¦clean and in good condition,†(2) this allowed for women to live healthfully, clean, and orderly. They had busy schedules but that did not make them live any less than normal than any other women. The women also found that the new control they had in their lives led to a significant increase in their independence. With leaving their home, parents found that they had less command over their daughters’ lives. This situation is seen in a concerned letter from a stepmother to her stepdaughter who was working in a mill in New Hampshire: â€Å"your reputation your happiness all you hold dear are I fear at stake†(21). This letter was written by a stepmother who feared that the boy the girl fell in love would not bring her full happiness. Unlike previous times, the mother was no longer able to be beside the young woman to give direct council and have more say in who her daughter can or cannot see, allowing more independence in the daughter’s life. This independence also grew more from not just separation from parental guidance but the kind of lifestyle the workers took on. In the Lowell Offering, oneShow MoreRelatedLowell Mills1346 Words  | 6 PagesThe Lowell textile mills The Lowell textile mills were a new transition in American history that explored working and labor conditions in the new industrial factories in American. To describe the Lowell Textile mills it requires a look back in history to study, discover and gain knowledge of the industrial labor and factory systems of industrial America. These mass production mills looked pretty promising at their beginning but after years of being in business showed multiple problems and setbacksRead MoreThe Lowell Work Force, And The Social Origins Of Women Workers946 Words  | 4 Pagesfirst article was chapter three, â€Å"The Lowell Work Force, 1836, and the Social Origins of Women Workers†from the book, Women at Work: The Transformation of Work and Community in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1826-1860, written by Thomas Dublin. It paralleled nicely with the article I chose which was, â€Å"‘I Think Less of the Factory than of my Native Dell’ Labor, Nature, and the Lowell ‘Mill Girls’†from Environmental History, by Chad Montrie. The article, â€Å"The Lowell Work Force†primarily discussed what typeRead MoreImpact Of The Market Revolution On American History1460 Words  | 6 PagesThe Market Revolution was the most fundamental change in American history all because of three very important developments. These developments consisted of transportation, commercialization and industrialization. Transportation developed many more ways to get around by roads, canals, steamboats and even railroads. Commercialization began to replace household self-sufficiency with goods that were starting to be produced for a cash market. Industrialization was life changing for all of goods that wereRead MoreEssay about Mary Pauls Letters951 Words  | 4 PagesEssay Assignment: Market Revolution During the nineteenth century, America went through a number of social, economic and political changes. Revolutions in manufacturing and commerce led to substantial economic growth. Several cultural movements reformed American society. Mary Paul, once just a normal girl from Vermont, led a life that was shaped by the changes of the 1800s. The information gathered from Mary Pauls letters to her father make it clear that Marys life experiences turned her intoRead More The Market Revolution Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pagesstarted to occur in the United States throughout the early 1800’s. There was a shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial market system. After the War of 1812, the domestic marketplace changed due to the strong pressure of social and economic forces. Major innovations in transportation allowed the movement of information, people, and merchandise. Textile mills and factories became an important base for jobs, especially for women. There was also wi despread economic growth during this time periodRead MoreThe Morality Of Slave Labor Versus Free Market Capitalism1095 Words  | 5 PagesEuropean philosophers could hope for. The image of â€Å"Lowell Offering†depicts free market labor in which the worker is paid for the fruits of their labor. â€Å"Slavery Justified†by George Fitzhugh is a moral argument in favor of the slave system, suggesting it provides more equality than the abolitionist view of â€Å"equality†and â€Å"liberty provides. George Fitzhugh in â€Å"Slavery Justified†explains how slavery leads to increased equality and social cohesion. He also suggests that there are racial differencesRead MoreEssay on The Market Revolution1054 Words  | 5 Pagesstarted to occur in the United States throughout the early 1800’s. There was a shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial market system. After the War of 1812, the domestic marketplace changed due to the strong pressure of social and economic forces. Major innovations in transportation allowed the movement of information, people, and merchandise. Textile mills and factories became an important base for jobs, especially for women. There was also widespread economic growth during this time periodRead MoreU.S. Economy in 1800s1528 Words  | 7 Pagestextile factories changed during this period. The small mills with a few dozen spindles and looms that characterized the initial period of the industry gave way to larger compl exes. This pattern began with the Boston Associates complex at Waltham, Massachusetts. Waltham itself soon appeared small as the Boston Associates developed Lowell on the Merrimac River. The population of Lowell increased from 2,500 in 1826 to 35,000 in 1850. The Lowell Machine Shop became a center for innovation not only inRead MoreTechnology That Changed Global Living1586 Words  | 7 Pagestrains help get goods and transform goods to one place to another, steel plow and mechanical reaper help agriculture working easier, and American System of Manufacturing made producing goods less time consuming, created more jobs, and less complex. To begin with, the impact of railroads on the Industrial Revolution changed economy, and social change to this country. The railroad was first invented in Great Britain by George Stephenson. â€Å"Railroads would drop shipping cost by 60 % - 70%.†TheRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Essay847 Words  | 4 PagesRevolution During the 1800s, phenomenal changes took place in America. These changes would impact our society incredibly for years to come and even still in the present. The major changes that took place were in transportation and industry. American society expanded so much in the early 1800s that it very well could have been the only time in history where this happened in such a short amount of time. From steamboats to railroads and from textile mills to interchangeable parts, the revolutions
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Writing A College Essay With A Psych 101 Course
<h1>Writing A College Essay With A Psych 101 Course</h1><p>The University of New Haven is an open junior college. This is the second littlest school in Connecticut. It additionally has a great online program. What makes this school not quite the same as different schools is that it is licensed by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.</p><p></p><p>When picking a school, you may have had a few issues with the University of New Haven. Truth be told, the school has as of late got analysis for its improper sex instruction class. While understudies didn't get the hang of anything new, a few understudies feel it was all that could possibly be needed to make anxiety.</p><p></p><p>The 'Normal Classroom.' This is the term they utilized when composing their Sex Ed class. In this class, they examined points, for example, safe sex, contraception, and restraint. They additionally discovered that the men were urged to be v ocal about their 'affairs'.</p><p></p><p>The contention comes from the way that a few people discovered this exercise unseemly for a school setting. They additionally felt it was against what they realized in Psych 101. A few people feel that the educator didn't mull over their own ethics. Others feel that his endeavor to teach didn't go far enough.</p><p></p><p>The college took this occurrence and immediately tended to it. They declared that every single future exercise will be founded on late sex research, and they will remember this data for the classroom.</p><p></p><p>The college likewise tended to the Common Classroom contention in their declaration. They expressed that the issue was not their shortcoming, however the deficiency of the class facilitator. They have put the man in a position where he can no longer have direct contact with understudies, however will even now approach the college's network.< /p><p></p><p>The University has expressed that the man can't contact understudies again until further notification. They will audit the course of study to ensure it is suitable. They likewise express that they will assess the correspondence aptitude of their faculty.</p><p></p><p>In end, I suggest that you get ready for your school article with the University of New Haven Psych 101 course. You may think that its accommodating to utilize this data in your exposition. In the event that you choose to utilize it, make certain to concentrate on the abilities that were educated inside the course.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Research Paper on Economic Inequality Topics
<h1>Research Paper on Economic Inequality Topics</h1><p>Finding research papers on financial disparity subjects is simple, you can without much of a stretch find significant papers from libraries and papers. Regardless of whether you don't approach the web, you can in any case discover papers from nearby libraries and paper classifieds.</p><p></p><p>Although, on the off chance that you need to examine subjects all the more explicitly, you can generally do it on the web. In any case, to ensure that you won't burn through your time scanning for papers on an inappropriate points, you ought to pick a particular theme. There are two fundamental subjects of research papers that individuals search for while investigating disparity points: How does financial imbalance influence individuals in our society?</p><p></p><p>What are the results of it for our general public? Is it true that we are having an inconsistent society today ? Is it becoming greater, or less equal?</p><p></p><p>As the title recommends, a great research paper should concentrate on the particular issue of how does monetary disparity influence individuals in our general public. This paper ought to likewise address the issues about what ought to be done and why. This will give you an away from of what our general public needs to do to redress the situation.</p><p></p><p>When inquiring about how does monetary imbalance influence individuals in our general public, you should assemble a few realities that are explicit to your point, for example, the way that the rich will in general live longer than poor people. Something else to note is that needy individuals for the most beyond words contrasted with the rich. Hence, you should ensure that you remember measurements for this topic.</p><p></p><p>If you pick a general research paper on financial disparity themes, you should likewise incorporate data that is explicit to your point. For instance, inquire about papers on how does financial disparity influence every one of us ought to incorporate issues identified with instruction, the economy, work environment, and society.</p><p></p><p>To shield you from investing a lot of energy in investigate papers that are not centered around the subject of your point, you ought to consistently begin with an expansive review of your theme. This will guarantee that you have a balanced research paper, that will incorporate a blend of data that is relevant.</p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Counter Culture of the 1920s Essay - 1493 Words
The counter culture of the 1920’s has affected the way the American lifestyle is today. Counter culture is a culture that primarily consists of younger people, with values and lifestyles opposing those of the original established culture. ( A need for change. The 1920’s are also known as the â€Å"Jazz Age,†which was coined by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the â€Å"Roaring Twenties.†It was a decade of change. (Hakim, 41) The counterculture of the 1920’s resulted from the Age of Jazz, Flappers, and the Harlem Renaissance. Out of the streets of New Orleans, a new form of music arose. This new type of music was not known as African or European, but simply American. It was jazz. In 1900 jazz first developed, but it wasn’t until the†¦show more content†¦Louis was born in New Orleans where he grew up and learned to play the trumpet. He also learned to sing. Because of his long improvised solos, he inspired jazz so that long solos became an important part of jazz pieces and performances. (Cayton, 462) Armstrong was the king of jazz trumpet players. The new style that he created gave a voice-like quality to his horn. (Hakim, 58) Although Jazz was very popular itself, a majority of the fans and listeners were younger people. Flappers were commonly known during this time. They danced to the jazz music with a whole new style. A flapper was a modern woman of the 1920’s with bobbed hair, short skirts, and dramatic make-up. ( The flapper was also used to represent a new type of young woman. It represented a woman that was bold, rebellious, and energetic. Only a small percentage of American women were flappers. The image of the flapper had a huge impact on the rest of the nation’s fashion and behavior. Most women began to cut their hair short. It was called bobbing. Many parents wouldn’t allow it. To the older generation, it seemed taboo to have short hair. Some of the daughters of these people felt old-fashioned for not having their hair cut short. (Hakim, 42) Before the twenties, it was rare for a woman’s ankle to be glimpsed upon beneath long skirts. Yet, during the ’20’s, the ankles were highly visible as the hemlines for women’s skirts rapidly went up and up, asShow MoreRelatedThe Roaring Twenties By F. Scott Fitzgerald860 Words  | 4 Pageswas a celebration of youth and culture. All of America seemed to have an unquenchable thirst for entertainment and art. So life during the 1920’s brought new forms of entertainment, new movements in the arts, and new attitudes and fashion for women. Movies quickly became a national pastime, radios became a primary news source, painters started capturing the realities and dreams of America, and music composers created a distinct type of music called jazz. The 1920’s also brought forward insightfulRead MoreThe Fall Of Patriotic Ideals1535 Words  | 7 PagesAfter the 1940’s, tensions between America and the Soviet Union rose into a world conflict. Once more the American people were tasked with protecting the world from the evils of tyranny. Although the Cold War never did result in a direct conflict between the Soviet Union and America, the two nations battled through a series of proxy wars. In the 1950’s, American soldiers were deployed to South Korea to protect America’s ally from the threat of a North Korean invasion. In the 1960’s American soldiersRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1046 Words  | 5 PagesIn the 1920’s a plethora of things shaped the society. There were so many drastic changes and differences. occurring this time from people s, homes, cars, and money the 20’s encountered some complex times. As Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby he focused on different things like the stock market, homes, and cars. The 1920’s America was in a time of prosperity and economic growth. Fashion, innovation and business, architecture was thriving more than ever before. Citizens were giving a chance toRead MoreCinderella Man Analysis1474 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States began transitioning into an urbanized society and into the Gilded Age during the 1880’s through the 1920’s. The country seemed to be perfect beyond the surface, yet corruption struck the nation underneath. In response, the Progressive Era was introduced to the United States to eliminate the widespread issues in the country. The movie Cinderella Man accurately portrays the life in the 1920’s, Great Depression, and the New Deal through James Braddock’s life before and after his heroic recoveryRead MoreThe Impact Of Migration On African American History913 Words  | 4 PagesAfrican Americans participated in migration just as much as whites did and have been migrating all throughout the United Sta tes since the first African slave ship made its way to Jamestown in 1619. Florette Henri’s Black Migration: Movement North, 1900-1920 (1975) focuses on the beginning of the large-scale relocation of black people from the South to the North and West. The book’s overall theme is, as Henri states in the preface, that black Americans in the early decades of the century had far moreRead MoreEffects Of World War I Ended On The 1920s1567 Words  | 7 PagesHarding proposed â€Å"a return to normalcy†. This promised a return of the United States prewar mentality, without the thought of war contaminating the minds of the American people. With this in mind, the 1920s began- but Americans in the 1930s witnessed dramatic changes in their lives from the 1920s. The 1920s was a period of prosperity and economic success, while the 1930s was a time of economic downfall. The economy fluctuated between times of great prosperity and times of undoubtable depression. FollowingRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1599 Words  | 7 PagesFrancis Scott Fitzgerald was an author who wrote several books based around his time of life. Fitzgerald lived during the Roaring 20’s and recorded many important events and theme s that occurred around him. One of Fitzgerald’s most popular novels is named The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby is written to reproduce the environment that Fitzgerald was living in. This semiautobiographical work uses fictitious characters to portray how people around Fitzgerald acted and what the overall theme ofRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald818 Words  | 4 PagesThirteen â€Å"Dry†Years: The Amendment that Banned Alcohol for Thirteen Years On January 17, 1920, the 18th Amendment was enforced throughout the United States: Prohibition. The18th Amendment banned the selling, manufacturing, and production of alcohol. Just a short thirteen years later the 21st Amendment was passed, repealing the18th Amendment. Banning alcohol intended to lower crime rates and eliminate other social problems in the early 21st century. However, the banning of alcohol did not end socialRead More T.s. Eliot Essay1241 Words  | 5 Pages As one of Americas first modernist poets, T. S. Eliots unique style and subject matter would have a dramatic influence on writers for the century to come. Born in 1888 in St. Louis Mo. at the tail end of the quot;Cowboy eraquot; he grew up in the more civilized industrial era of the early 20th century, a time of the Wright Brothers and Henry Ford. The Eliot family was endowed with some of the best intellectual and political connections in America of that time, and as a result went to only theRead MoreThe Women s Suffrage Movement1443 Words  | 6 PagesThe woman suffrage movement, which succeeded in 1920 with the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment, coincided with major national reform movements seeking to improve public education, create public health programs, regulate business and industrial practices, and establish standards agencies to ensure pure food and public water supplies. In 1870, the first attempt that Virginia women, as a campaign, fought for the right to vote in Ne w Jersey when native Anna Whitehead Bodeker invited several men and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cryptography for Technology and Internet Services- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCryptography for Technology and Internet Based Services. Answer: Introduction With the modernisation of technology and Internet-based services, the risk of cybercrimes has grown significantly. People, companies, and government are under constant threat of cyber-attacks. Cybercriminals attack over the personal and sensitive data such as personal information, banking details, and national security secrets. Hackers use the popularity of social media websites and instant messaging application to collect the data of people and organisations. Most corporations and governments use various methods of security to protect their data from hackers, such as antivirus, firewalls, and data-in-motion. Cryptography is another method of protecting data from hackers, cryptography in a Greek word which means secret writing. Cryptography is a method of coding and decoding messages and data while transferring them, which protect the data from cloning by a hacker. If a corporation encrypts their data while transferring, then the receiver will require a password or secret key to open such data. With the growth of cyber-attacks, the relevancy of proper security mechanism is required for protection of data. The organisation can use cryptography to protect their data from hackers, but there are several problems in using cryptography. This essay will focus on analysing the benefits of cryptography from protecting the data from cybercriminals. The essay will discuss the requirement of cryptography and problems faced by organisations while using it as a security mechanism. Further, the essay will evaluate the role of cryptography in the future of data security. Role of Cryptography in Cyber Security The popularity of social media and internet-based services has grown rapidly in past decade, billions of people use them daily to communicate, share and create new content. According to Vacca (2012), many of the modern corporations are conducting their business through online portals. Organisations use the internet and cloud-based services to store data online which can be easily accessible through various networks. On-line services provide various benefits to companies such as essay accessibility, faster transfer, communications through different channels and ease in payment. The government of various nations uses online services to store national secrets and perform other activities. The popularity of internet-based services raised the risk of cyber-attacks, hackers attack over the data of corporations and government to gain their secret information which shows the requirement of a proper safety mechanism (Ling Masao 2011). In 2016, more than 3.1 billion records leaked by the cybercriminals, most of these breaches include data from organisation such as MySpace, Minecraft, Tumblr, Wendys Co. and Payroll. According to Morgan (2016), as compared to 2015, the number of cyber-attacks has grown 40 percent in 2016. Many individuals, corporations, and government face risk of cyber-attack and breach of data from cybercriminals. The amount spent by worldwide organisations over cybersecurity-related hardware has risen from US$62.2 billion in 2015 to US$73.7 billion in 2016; these numbers are expected to grow more than US$90 billion in 2018 (Kharif 2017). Cybercriminals attack over the personal data of individuals such as social security number, banking information and other private details to siphon money out of their accounts. Cybercriminals collect sensitive data of government such as public data, government secrets or even nuclear codes, which can be dangerous for national security, proving the relevancy a secu rity mechanism. Cryptography is a method of converting the data into gibberish which can only be understood by the person who has the secret key. According to Stallings Tahiliani (2014), the requirement of cryptography has gained in the modern world but the use of Cryptography become popular during the World War I and II. To avoid leaking their conversations and secrets to enemy soldiers, the army uses secret codes to communicate and share important information between each other. The person receiving the message must require having the secret codes to understand the secret message. In World War II, armies started using modern machinery to encrypt and decrypt their data for securing the information, such as German Lorenz cipher, Enigma, Fish and Short Weather Cipher. In the modern age, computers are getting smarter each day. It has become easier for hackers to easily gain the information of people, corporations, and governments; therefore, the requirement of encryption of data has risen significant ly. Many organisations and online services are already using cryptography to protect their data from cybercriminals (Joyner 2012). Julius Cease, a Roman politician, did not trust his messengers when he communicates important information to his generals, therefore, he changes all the alphabets with the third letter for example, he changes all A letter in his message with letter D and every B with an E and so on. By changing the alphabets like this, only the general who knew the shift by 3 rule was able to decrypt the message, cryptography works the same way. If any data can be read and understood by anyone without the requirement of any key is called plaintext or cleartext. As per Katz Lindell (2014), by hiding the substance or meaning of a plaintext by changing or converting the data is called encryption. The data which is encrypted turn the information into gibberish which is known as ciphertext. By encrypting any data, any person can ensure that such data can only be read by the person who has secret key or password. The process of converting a ciphertext into plaintext is called decryption of data. As per Forouzan Mukhopadhyay (2011), there are two primary reasons which show the requirement of information security in modern corporations. The first reason is the popularity of computers which completely changes the process of data storage. Traditionally, organisations store data in physical files and documents where the sensitive data can be secured by locking in the cabinets. But, with the introduction of computers, the requirement of automated devices for data protection has become mandatory. The second key reason, which increases the requirement of information security, is the introduction of distributed systems and the implementation of network and communication services. Organisations use network facilities to transfer and communicate the data between different terminal users. While communicating or transferring the data, network security is to require protecting the data from leaking. Cryptography uses logic and complex mathematics principles to encrypt any data, corporati ons, and individuals can transfer the data without worrying of leakage or cloning (Al-Hazaimeh 2013). There is three common type of cryptography used by organisations which includes a secret key, public key, and hash functions. Koblitz (2012) provided that in Secret-key cryptography, both the sender and receiver of the message have a secret key which can be used by them to decrypt the message. This method is effective if the communication is conducted between few people, in case of large networks, organisations cannot implement this strategy securely. In Public key cryptography, the key for encryption and decryption are different from one another and the key work in pairs. If the sender and receiver of such messages do not have a public key, then they can freely distribute the private key. In this method, various digital signatures are used such as RSA, digital signature algorithm, and various other standards. In Hash functions, a mathematical algorithm is used by the parties for permanent encryption of data. This is used by operating systems for document protection and encrypting th e passwords. In this method, various other security measures are used such as digital signature, secure hash algorithm, message digest, and RIPEMD (Kaur Kaur 2012). The benefits of using cryptography by organisation and governments include protection of data and services from leaking or cloning by cybercriminals. As per Lydersen et al. (2010), organisations can encrypt the information of their services for securing the transactions, for example, every single call made by users, every ATM card transaction, credit card usage or message send by people are encrypted by companies. Without a systematic encryption, the security of online and electronic transactions cannot be achieved by the corporations. The primary benefit of cryptography is complete data protection from breach or cloning by cybercriminals. By implementing correct encryption solutions, a corporation can protect the data even after the breach of their security framework. There are several ways through which hackers can collect the data of an organisation, but through encryption, accessing the data became considerably difficult for cybercriminals. As per Kahate (2013), another benefit of cryptography is that it provides security through multiple devices for users. The popularity of smartphones and computer has risen significantly in past few decades; more than 2.32 billion people use smartphones in 2017. Due to their popularity, smartphones are preferred target for cybercriminals. Smartphones contain sensitive and personal information of its user which can be used by hackers to gain an unfair advantage. Many corporations face difficulty in maintaining the security of data while storing and transmitting the information through these devices. Carlet (2010) provided that by encrypting the data, a corporation can ensure the security of their information in various devices. With the popularity of the internet and network-based services, transmitting data securely through these channels has been difficult for the organisation. The security of data became most vulnerable during the transmission procedure which makes it the perfect ti me for cybercriminals to attack. Cryptography ensures the security of data when it is being transmitted through various channels. Files or information that is shared or uploaded by individuals or organisations over cloud systems can be protected through cryptography. Cryptography is used by governments of various nations due to its various benefits; it assists government and corporations in maintaining the integrity of data while transmitting it through different channels. As per Jonsson et al. (2016), although data theft is one of the key problems, many hackers knowingly alter the data for conducting fraud. Cryptography ensures that the cybercriminals are not able to alter or tamper with the important data. Due to the high risk of data theft, IT corporations are required to fulfill certain compliances for ensuring the data security. Cryptography is one of the safest methods of transferring or storing the data which help the organisation in complying with various requirements such as FIPS, HIPAA, FISMA and Gramm-Leach Bliley (Ramsey Shankar 2017). Basis data protection is one of the most crucial requirements for every corporation and cryptography provides such security to companies. Encryption is one of the best methods of protecting the data of corporations, for example, it provides security from leakage and cloning, secure the data across all devices, provide security while transmitting, ensure integrity and fulfillment of compliance. There are several benefits of using cryptography for security but there are numerous disadvantages as well. For example, a legitimate receiver may find it difficult to access the data at a particular time if such data is authentic, digitally signed and strongly encrypted by the sender. According to Buchmann (2013), the basis of encryption depends upon the secret key if the corporation's losses such key or if cybercriminals gain access to such key than they can easily gain access to such data. In case of individuals, many people forgot their passwords which make it impossible for them to gain access to their data. The security of encryption is almost always vulnerable to brute force attack that is a method of finding the key for encrypting by the hackers. Another disadvantage of cryptography is that it does not provide security against the vulnerabilities and risks that arise due to poor design of systems. As per Van Dijk Juels (2010), one encryption system cannot apply to all systems, corporations are required to analyse their system and use encryption according to their requirements. Cryptography also requires a high expenditure of money and time, encrypting and decrypting a data every time can waste the time of corporations and the software of encryption and decryption is also expensive. It also requires the cooperation of two individuals for an encryption to work properly. Both parties must have access to secret key and mistake of one company can cause damage to both organisations data (Van Tilborg Jajodia 2014). Encryption cannot guarantee that complete data will be protected from leakage or cloning while communicating or transferring it between two sources. Every organisation requires analysing their requirement and adopts an encryption strategy according to such requirements. According to Kranakis (2013), one of the primary mistakes that corporations made is considering that encryption as a solution to every online security threat. Encryption can protect the data of organisations but it is not a single solution for every security requirements. For example, encryption can protect the data while it is in transit, but other than that cybercriminals can use various other methods to gain unauthorised access to corporations data. Another example is that if the secret key for decrypting the data is compromised or the hackers create a similar key to decrypt the data then encryption cannot protect the data of organisation. In modern times, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) is globally acceptable by corporations with few expectations. As per Maurer Renner (2011), most of the governments communications, banking facilities, satellite communications and computer systems are based upon DES for security. In the future, the requirement and usage of cryptography will be increased due to the requirement of informations security. Cryptography has been around for centuries and it has been updated through time. As per the future threats, the technology of cryptography will adapt according to it. For example, Quantum Cryptography is the future of encryption which ensures the security of data. Instead of storing data in binary form, that is 1 and 0; the quantum computer will store the data in quantum bits or qubits. According to Bennett Brassard (2014), to encrypt such data which will be magnitude faster than todays standard, the requirement of Quantum Cryptography will increase. Quantum encryption will protect t he data of future computers from cyber threats and hackers and it will be faster than todays encryption procedure. Conclusion In conclusion, the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches has grown significantly in past decade which shows the requirement of information security. Cryptography can be considered as the cornerstone of information security which protects data through encryption, after encryption only the person with the secret key can access such information. Modern organisations, government, and individuals are protecting their data from cyber criminals by using cryptography. There are several benefits of cryptography such as data protection, secure transaction, data integrity and security over multiple devices. There are some drawbacks of cryptography as well, such as poor planning can lead to unsuccessful encryption, it is a time and cost expensive procedure and it is ineffective if the secret key is compromised. Therefore, companies are requiring analysing their requirement to implement an effective encryption system. The drawbacks of cryptography can be overcome by proper implementation of enc ryption procedure. In the future, the relevancy of cryptography will be increased as per the advancement in technology, such as Quantum Cryptography. Therefore, cryptography can be considered as cornerstone which can solve various problems of information security. References Al-Hazaimeh, O. M. A. (2013). A new approach for complex encrypting and decrypting data.International Journal of Computer Networks Communications,5(2), 95. Bennett, C. H., Brassard, G. (2014). Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing.Theoretical computer science,560, 7-11. Buchmann, J. (2013).Introduction to cryptography. Springer Science Business Media. Carlet, C. (2010). 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Advanced Practice Nursing- Delirium in Adult Hospitalized Patients
Question: Discuss about the Advanced Practice Nursing- Delirium in Adult Hospitalized Patients. Answer: Story about acute onset delirium in critically ill-hospitalized ICU patient This story is involved with a patient named John Simons who is suffering from dementia and has been admitted to the ICU two weeks ago. He stays with his wife and a son who is married and lives in the other city (Lee et al., 2013). The patient was known already to the societal services with a package of care already in position, so the doctors thought that the procedure of discharging the patient would be uncomplicated. The initial interdisciplinary meeting was arranged without informing his wife or son. When his son insisted the doctors and the other staff of the hospital to rearrange the meeting, they agreed for the same. After that the care of patient started in a proper way (Barr et al., 2013). The patient cannot be left unsupervised because he was not able to do anything by his own and the family had a feeling that he needs a high quality of care. He had a risk of dehydration, malnutrition and was prone to persistent infections. The doctors were not able to arrive at a conclusion regarding whether John was permitted to continuing healthcare and what is the best form of treatment for him. Then began the next battle, in which the care package of the patient had to be arranged by means of the team of social services of the hospital that meant that the patient could no longer be provided with the care, which he had been using since two years. The patient had the same carer who used to take care of him since two years. She had become familiar with the patient (Ryan et al., 2013). The community nursing team made a last attempt to obtain to get continuing funding for healthcare for the patient and he died before they turned him down. The family members of the patient said that the team of community nursing visited him one in a day to change the pump and the day sitter for the last two days was the health involvement to the care of the patient. The question in front of us is that why an individual at the last part of his/her life have to pay his/her own expenses for dying at residence (Fick et al., 2013). Best Practice Guideline (BPG) The development of this best practice guideline addresses the questions how to deal with the patients who are above 65 years and are critically ill as well as hospitalized in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). This guideline focuses on the following: Recommendations for practice: The nurses are directed to guide practice concerning the strategies for caregiving for the older adults with delirium Educational recommendations: focused on the organizations and educational institutions in which the nurses work in order to support its execution Policy and organization recommendations: focused at the settings of practice and the environment to smooth the progress of nursing practices Indicators of monitoring and evaluation (Ward, 2015). It is recognized that the individual capabilities of the nurses differs between the nurses and across the nursing professionals categories and are based the critical analysis, knowledge, attitudes, skills and decision-making ability which are improved eventually by education and experience (Salluh et al., 2015). Since the strategies associated with the care for delirium are based on accurate assessments of screening of all these conditions, the panel of development for this guideline recommends the execution and accomplishment of this guideline in combination with the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, best practice guideline entitled screening for delirium in the older adults. In spite of the high occurrence and unconstructive outcomes, delirium=m in the ICU is not detected and therefore remains untreated in the patient scores. For several years, delirium has been considered as a benign problem by the teams of medical and critical care nursing (Khan et al., 2012). A delirium goes undetected by the doctors as well as the nurses in more than 68% of the patients in the ICU due to the absence of a validated tool. This guideline underlines the necessity for the organized utilization of the standardized tools for assessment, which is in collaboration with the recommendations from the national and the internal guidelines. These tools are essential for the detection of delirium that might otherwise are not detected and therefore untreated. Two tools with robust dependability and validity are the Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC) and Confusion Assessment method (CAM) for the ICU. Both of these tools have a high accurateness and constructive compliance and needs minimal education (Inouye et al., 2014). References Barr, J., Fraser, G. L., Puntillo, K., Ely, E. W., Glinas, C., Dasta, J. F., ... Coursin, D. B. (2013). Clinical practice guidelines for the management of pain, agitation, and delirium in adult patients in the intensive care unit.Critical care medicine,41(1), 263-306. Fick, D. M., Steis, M. R., Waller, J. L., Inouye, S. K. (2013). Delirium superimposed on dementia is associated with prolonged length of stay and poor outcomes in hospitalized older adults.Journal of hospital medicine,8(9), 500-505. Inouye, S. K., Westendorp, R. G., Saczynski, J. S. (2014). Delirium in elderly people.The Lancet,383(9920), 911-922. Khan, B. A., Zawahiri, M., Campbell, N. L., Fox, G. C., Weinstein, E. J., Nazir, A., ... Boustani, M. A. (2012). Delirium in hospitalized patients: implications of current evidence on clinical practice and future avenues for researcha systematic evidence review.Journal of hospital medicine,7(7), 580-589. Lee, E. A., Gibbs, N. E., Fahey, L., Whiffen, T. L. (2013). Making hospitals safer for older adults: updating quality metrics by understanding hospital-acquired delirium and its link to falls.The Permanente Journal,17(4), 32. Ryan, D. J., O'Regan, N. A., Caoimh, R. ., Clare, J., O'Connor, M., Leonard, M., ... Meagher, D. (2013). Delirium in an adult acute hospital population: predictors, prevalence and detection.BMJ open,3(1), e001772. Salluh, J. I., Wang, H., Schneider, E. B., Nagaraja, N., Yenokyan, G., Damluji, A., ... Stevens, R. D. (2015). Outcome of delirium in critically ill patients: systematic review and meta-analysis.bmj,350, h2538. Ward, C. W. (2015). A decision tree model for postoperative pain management.Urologic nursing,35(5), 251-257.
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